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Lesson Plan: Color Wheel Collage

Goal: to recycle old magazines by creating a color wheel out of the pictures.



  • White construction paper

  • Siccors

  • Old magazines

  • Glue stick

  • Circular object to trace

  • Pencil

  • Ruler


How to Prep:

Take a circular object, smaller than the width of the paper and use the pencil to trace a circle onto the paper. Next, use the ruler and divide the circle into 6 slices. Write the names of the 3 primary colors and 3 secondary colors in each slice, in order of the color wheel. Make sure you have all the supplies and you are all set.


Directions for Students:

Explain what a color wheel is and how each color has a place. Show them how you have divided the wheel into 6 pieces according to color and challenge them to flip through old magazines to find variations of each color. Have them use the scissors to cut out the pieces and the glue sticks to glue the pieces onto the correct slice.

What it looks like:

Helpful Hints:

Use magazines that have lots of vibrant colors and encourage your students to pick out as many shades of the color as possible. If you wish to turn this project into a group project I would recommend assigning each color to a different student.

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